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What is Eating For Succeeding?

Equating food with success might be something you haven’t considered, but think about this…

Most of us think we are successful when:
A. We’re performing well at work–

Well, are you losing time or effectiveness at work or play, because of stress, fatigue, or illness?

Finding yourself dragging your feet around the office, being passed over for a promotion because you don’t have the energy to really perform at work?


B. We’re feeling happy and joyful when we’re around friends and family–

Are you too tired to even want to go and hang out with your family and friends?

In social situations, do you feel insecure because of your weight or health problems?

Does illness or pain take all the joy out of your life?


C. We’re organized and on top of our work/ financial/ family and social life–

Are you leading such a hectic and busy daily life that you’re just not able to take the time to prepare healthy meals?


D. We’re feeling satisfied and confident in our decisions–

Are you not eating as well as you should and wanting to eat better, but frustrated by all the hype and misinformation that you don’t know which are the right healthy foods specifically for you?

And when you do shop for healthy food, are you frustrated spending your whole paycheck on whole foods?


Maybe you’re not experiencing A, B, C and D, therefore you’re not feeling successful. But guess what? All of this is tied to food. So I will show you how eating better can you more successful in each of these areas in your life.


Listen, you can succeed in your career and find yourself healthy at the same time, regardless of your crazy schedule or lack of guidance. I know because I have successfully answered all of those questions for myself, and I’m happy to share the answers with you.


My name is Michael Nova. I am a Multimedia Artist and Entrepreneur, well versed, and successful in both the arts and the business worlds, and I am here to tell you that health and success go together. You can’t have one without the other. Take it from someone who nearly worked himself to death — literally.


michael-novaMy personal story is one of serious illness and coming back from the brink of blindness…


Just a few short years ago, I was a picture perfect vision of health. But the stress of my work caused me to became very ill, as I developed Chronic Kidney Disease, along with several eye ailments that almost cost me my vision permanently.


But I manifested an incredible recovery, and I found the missing pieces to the puzzle of what it takes to be healthy and successful, saving time and money in the process.


Through this website, I’m going to share what I’ve learned with you through my own experience and extensive years of (literal) painstaking research, so that you too can find the missing pieces of the puzzle.


So why, “Eating For Succeeding”? Take it from someone who ate junk for most of his life. I ate cookies for breakfast, Entenmann’s cake ala mode for lunch and either hamburgers, steak, pasta or pizza for dinner…every day.


I ate one vegetable — french fries.


That and stress led me to become very ill, and very much in pain. I couldn’t work at all while my body slowly recovered. And as I recovered, I began to learn how to eat right, and how to treat myself right. Now I know that eating healthy leads to a better feeling, more active, more alive person who is more apt to succeed both in business, and in life. Eating well supports you in becoming successful. You feel more energy and more desirous of having fun and living life…and you don’t miss the junk…really!


Now I’m going to take you on a fun journey that will assist you in making the right choices whether you’re sitting down for a meal or grabbing one on the go. I’m to teach you how to help yourself so that you can be free of doctors and their meds. You will have full control over your life again! Are you ready? LET’S GO!


Change your health… change your life,